Im vergangenen Sommer wurde
Israel angegriffen mit
Dutzenden iranischen Raketen der
Hisbollah, die Gegenwehr war allerdings in der Tat lausig, und die
Internationalisierung des Konflikts, selbst
Deutsche gehören nun zur
UNIFIL, war wegen deren notorischer Blindheit ein Fehler.
Aber andererseits gelang es den
IDF doch vor kurzem recht erfolgreich, eine
syrische Anlage zur Herstellung
atomarer Sprengköpfe zu zerstören - und da praktisch niemand
protestierte, muß da wohl etwas ganz Großes vollbracht bzw.
verhindert worden sein:
A meticulously planned, brilliantly executed surgical strike by Israeli jets on a nuclear installation in Syria on 6 September may have saved the world from a devastating threat. The only problem is that no one outside a tight-lipped knot of top Israeli and American officials knows precisely what that threat involved.
Even more curious is that far from pushing the Syrians and Israelis to war, both seem determined to put a lid on the affair. One month after the event, the absence of hard information leads inexorably to the conclusion that the implications must have been enormous.
That was confirmed to The Spectator by a very senior British ministerial source: ‘If people had known how close we came to world war three that day there’d have been mass panic. Never mind the floods or foot-and-mouth - Gordon really would have been dealing with the bloody Book of Revelation and Armageddon.’