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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Select the best 5 Football club teams in history(outside Germany):
Milan 1989-1990(Sacchi era) 1 50,00%
Inter 1964-1965(Herrera era) 1 50,00%
Real Madrid 1956-1960(with Puskas and De stefano) 1 50,00%
Santos 1962-1963(with Pele) 1 50,00%
Liverpool 1977-1978(Paisley era) 0 0%
Juventus 1996(Lippi era) 0 0%
Benfica 1961-1962(with eusebio) 0 0%
Ajax 1995(Van gaal era) 0 0%
Juventus 1985(with Platini and Boniek) 0 0%
Ajax 1971-1973(Rinus Michels era) 0 0%
Barcelona 1992(Cryuff era) 1 50,00%
Nottingham Forest 1979-1980(Brian Clouth era) 0 0%
Manchester United 1968(with Gorge Best,Boby Charlton,etc...) 1 50,00%
Dynamo Kyiv 1986(Lobanovsky era) 0 0%
Marseille 1993(Reymond Goethals era) 0 0%
Real Madrid 2002(Del bosque era) 2 100,00%
Manchester United 1999(Sir Alex era) 0 0%
Celtic 1967(Jock stein era) 0 0%
Red star Belgrad 1991(with Savicevic and Jugovic) 1 50,00%
Sao Paulo 1992-1993(Tele Santana era) 1 50,00%
Multiple-Choice-Umfrage. Teilnehmer: 2. Du darfst bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

19. July 2006, 02:22   #1
Registriert seit: July 2006
Beiträge: 1
Select the best 5 Football club teams in history:

Hello mates.I am new here.
my Deutch isn't very good,so I will talk in English.
so,here are some of the best Football(Fussball) club teams all over the history,outside Germany.
please,select 5 teams that you think were the best exactlly 5!
19. July 2006, 02:53   #2
Registriert seit: November 2001
Beiträge: 2.823
My English ist too not so gut that's wieso I werd spreching in Deutsch because da I'm a bissl better drin and a little byte English because muchlight you verstand me dann.

Paris Saint Germain (every era) is bei far the best team of the ganz world draußside von Germany weil it listens itself so on like Germany.
19. July 2006, 05:07   #3
Benutzerbild von Sacki
Registriert seit: February 2005
Beiträge: 3.365
Hertha BSC Berlin
19. July 2006, 18:55   #4
Lost Arrow
Registriert seit: November 2004
Ort: Oberbayern
Beiträge: 62

Roma Roma Roma,
core de stà città,
unico grande amore,
de tanta e tanta gente,
che fai sospirà.
Roma Roma Roma,
lassace cantà,
da stà voce nasce un core,
so centomila voci che hai fatto nammorà.

Roma Roma bella,
t'ho dipinta io,
gialla come er sole,
rossa come er core mio.

Roma Roma mia,
nun te fa cantà,
tu sei nata grande
e grande hai da restà.

Roma Roma Roma,
core de stà città,
unico grande amore,
de tanta e tanta gente,
ch'hai fatto nammorà.

My favourite club outside Germany isnt there to choose...
19. July 2006, 20:44   #5
Benutzerbild von Maggi
Registriert seit: April 2002
Beiträge: 3.915
I must admit I don't know enough about the history of football to make a decision here. Would you say that you can see it from the number of, say, World Cup wins which team is the best?

27. July 2006, 16:25   #6
Erde, Wind & Feuer
Benutzerbild von Bandwurm
Registriert seit: February 2002
Ort: Ockershausen
Beiträge: 7.669
A question to roni10_levi: Where do you live?

  Skats > Interessant & Kontrovers > Sport

select, football, teams, history

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